Monday, March 28, 2011


Today was another sunny and bright day here in Wisconsin. I love sunshine, and I really love this time of year when each day brings a new sign of spring.

Tonight when we got home from work we checked the box elder trees, and were thrilled to see that each of the three buckets had about 1/2 gallon of sap in it. The sap doesn't seem particularly tasty or even sweet, but I hope by the weekend we'll have enough to start boiling.

It was also nice today to dig up a few sunchokes from the garden and use the last of the over-wintered squash. I roasted them and put them on a pizza with some of the queso blanco I made yesterday. I hope it tastes o.k.!

Later: It must not taste too bad, as my husband asked "how much am I going to have to pay for this later tonight?", referring to the high inulin content of sunchokes, which makes them "low carb", but causes certain unpleasant side effects...

1 comment:

  1. The pizza didn't bother me too much - TheHusband
